13-17 November, 2017 – Puros Conservancy, Livestock and Carnivore Surveys

View of Puros

This past week we were in Puros Conservancy, based out of Tomakas and Puros (town) surveying livestock owners. Our surveys primarily focus on the change in livestock numbers during the ongoing drought and the effects of carnivores, particularly lions, on residents’ livestock.

This past year, Puros was home to a series of human-lion conflict incidents that received some attention beyond the region. (See desertlion.info for more information.) It was a privilege and an important part of this project, to spend time with the farmers in Puros who have lived with challenges of almost daily encounters with lions. While there we had a healthy range of perspectives about the challenges of living with lions and spoke to many locals keenly interested in finding productive ways forward whereby the conservancy, the government, and NGOs can work together to support the goals of each.

Thanks in particular to Japi Uararavi and all the residents of Tomakas for their hospitality and sharing their time with us. Against the backdrop of ongoing human-lion conflict in Kunene it was refreshing to remember the importance of folks sitting together to work through difficult problems.

Puros Game Guard Speike Kasupi

18 August, 2017 – Anabeb Conservancy Interviews

Desmond Karajiva, Marcus Tjieraso, and their family at Otjetoveni Farm

Over the past three days we met with a variety of farmers and families in the Anabeb Conservancy along the main road from Warmquelle and Khowareb to the Palmwag Concession. Spending time at farms and engaging local farmers in oral history interviews and semi-structured surveys makes up the majority of our research. By meeting people on their home-ground we can better appreciate the challenges that farmers in Kunene are facing when it comes to carnivores, in particular from lions. Thanks to Desmond Karajiva, Marcus Tjieraso, Karutjoveni Tjoveni, Seven Tjiraso, and Botes and Julia Kasaona for discussing their perspectives on a wide-range of issues facing farmers in Anabeb, in particular their willingness to discuss, in-depth, challenges from carnivores and possible productive ways forward. Thanks also to the Anabeb Conservancy Committee – a much-valued partner in our project.

Karutjoveni Tjoveni

Seven Tjiraso

Botes and Julia Kasaona