Translocation Back to Etosha

MEFT veterinarian Dr. Sandra Shikumba examining a lioness prior to translocation.

Over the weekend the Lion Rangers and MEFT Game Capture staff worked non-stop to safely translocate back to Etosha six lions away from conflict in the Ehi-Rovipuka Conservancy.

Following ongoing conflicts from lions dispersing from neighboring Etosha National Park, Lion Rangers Director and MEFT scientist Mr. Uakendisa Muzuma mobilized an emergency team of Lion Rangers from Ehi-Rovipuka and Omatendeka conservancies to track these rogue lions into the mountains. From there the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) availed a helicopter on an emergency basis to safely immobilize the lions from the air. MEFT veterinarian Dr. Sandra Shikumba, who has partnered with the Lion Rangers many times, oversaw the safety of the six lions throughout this extensive operation, which we are happy to report took place without incident.

Lions being returned to the park.

The pride was returned into an area with abundant prey and at a far enough distance from other lions to limit immediate conflict with other prides. This operation is just one part of the proactive management overseen by MEFT and being implemented by Game Capture, the Lion Rangers, and researchers to help ensure the sustainability of lions in northwest Namibia.

Nighttime image following a safe translocation.

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