The rainy season has begun in northwest Namibia and the Lion Rangers have been hard at work monitoring the desert-adapted lions in the communal conservancies of Puros and Sesfontein. During the past year certain areas within these conservancies have been sites of human-lion conflict and our Western Patrol Leader Steven Kasaona has gone to great lengths to work with his Rangers to stave-off future conflicts.
Across this vast and rugged area, joint-patrols from Anabeb, Puros, and Sesfontein conservancies have been on the move, both on foot and by vehicle, to track lions wherever they are and help keep an eye on farmer’s livestock. In particular, the pair of lions now inhabiting the Hoaruseb, the female XPL-150 and the dispersed male XPL-143, are being monitoring to keep them away from cattle grazing in the river.
We are pleased to report that so far the Lion Rangers have been able to prevent human-lion conflict in the area. The work goes on but we applaud Mbaendeka Kangombe, Berthus Tjipombo, Kooti Karutjaiva, Colin Kasupi, and Patrol Leader Steven Kasaona on the good work. Thanks to the conservancies for the considerable efforts they are putting in.