Northwest Lion Working Group Meeting, Swakopmund

Collared lioness in northwest Namibia. Photo: AJ Wattamaniuk

Conservation of northwest Namibia’s lions is more than just time in field. Management planning and policy development is critical to the successful long-term conservation of the population. The Northwest Lion Working Group (NWLWG) spearheads policy development, management decisions, and the development of field protocol and methodology for all aligned governmental, community, and NGO actors helping to conserve the lions in northwest Namibia and limit human-lion conflict. On 7 May, 2019, the NWLWG gathered in Swakopmund to review progress over the past year, plan for field activities for the rest of 2019, hear presentations from potential partners, review policy and make recommendations to the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET). This meeting was chaired by Kenneth //Uiseb, the MET Deputy Director of Scientific Services and Uakendisa Muzuma, the MET Large-Carnivore Coordinator who also chairs the NWLWG Technical Committee.

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