The Lion Rangers are pleased to congratulate Mr. Uakendisa Muzuma for his recent promotion with Namibia’s Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) to Senior Conservation Scientist. For the past six years, Mr. Muzuma has served as part of the Lion Rangers Leadership Team as Senior Advisor and Director. Following the release MEFT’s Human-Lion Conflict Plan for North-West Namibia in 2017, Mr. Muzuma joined the young Lion Rangers Program soon thereafter. His guidance and commitment to the program in the ensuing years has been central to growing our Early-Warning System, limiting human-lion conflict and lion mortalities, and to the emerging research on the desert-adapted lions. In his new role as Senior Conservation Scientist, Muzuma’s portfolio is expanding to include a greater role on international large carnivore issues as they pertain to Namibia and increased input into management and research policies. A native of northwest Namibia’s Kunene Region, Muzuma contributes an important voice for the desert-adapted lions and other desert-dwelling species at both national and international platforms. We are please to congratulate Mr. Muzuma on a well-deserved promotion.